St. Bonaventure University

Bonnies in the Spotlight

The CPRC's Bonnies in the Spotlight program recognizes St. Bonaventure students who have developed significant professional skills through a quality experience.

The program serves to recognize these students, but also to motivate other to seek out similar opportunities.

Students apply to the program by completing an application that requires detailed articulation of their experience. Selection of the finalists is very competitive.

Meet Our Latest Bonnies in the Spotlight Finalists

主要: 会计 & 金融
Derrick Corporation
会计 Intern

Interning in the 会计 Department at a mid-sized family-owned manufacturing company was an incredible opportunity to obtain relevant experience and skills that I would have not had the opportunity to get otherwise. 在井架, I was mainly in the Accounts Receivables Department,  working on billing, 集合, 现金收入, 航运, collecting customer information, and analyzing payment terms and conditions. I enhanced my time management and communication skills, and my overall professionalism.”

主要: 生物学
组织: Albert Einstein College of Medicine
标题: Undergraduate Research Intern

During my time at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine Summer Undergraduate Experience, I developed essential skills that will benefit me in my future medical career and studies. My research on tuberculosis enhanced my laboratory and analytical skills and understanding of bacterial genetics and phenotypic characterization. 另外, collaborating with experienced researchers and peers improved my teamwork and communication skills, preparing me for the collaborative nature of the medical field.

主要: 生物化学
小: 数学
组织: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
标题: Summer Undergraduate Research Program Student

I was a Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP) student at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Graduate Studies. 博士. Timothy Burns’ Lab, I spent 10 weeks analyzing determinants of RAS GTP hydrolysis for potential cancer therapies. The program also provided professional development seminars on networking and personal statement writing. Weekly presentations improved my science communication skills. This experience in a graduate laboratory was invaluable on my path to graduate school.

主要: Sports Management & 市场营销 
组织: Nashville Predators
标题: Community Relations Intern

My Predators Community Relations internship was transformative. I visited grant recipients, organized events for underprivileged kids, and experienced the positive impact of professional sports.I also worked at events like the NHL Draft & Awards, UFC Fight Night, and more. Being part of the Predators SC-101 program provided me with valuable experiences for my future career in professional sports. 仅仅去!

主要: Master of Business 政府
组织: Bishop Mackenzie International School
标题: Volunteer Teacher

Volunteering in Lilongwe, Malawi, was truly transformative. It enriched my adaptability, cultural understanding and empathy. Juggling diverse tasks honed my time management, prioritization and organization skills. Interacting with people from different backgrounds improved my communication skills, professionalism, and interpersonal bonds. The warm welcome from the Malawian community taught me invaluable life skills and broadened my perspective.

Richard Williams
主要: Broadcast Journalism
组织: WKBW Channel 7, Buffalo
标题: 编辑部 Intern

I’ve been with SBU-TV since my freshman year, serving as executive producer for two years. I’ve covered various news stories, learned to produce quality morning newscasts, and gained valuable experience during a summer internship at WKBW Channel 7. 我在St的时光. Bonaventure has equipped me with strong leadership, 生产, and on-air skills in the broadcast industry.”